Shacknews Chatty Visualizer

A force based visualization of the tree graph made by posts in the Shacknews forum system. I made this for my data visualization class and was voted best visualization. I ended up giving a talk on force based visualizations in my technical writing class as a result of this project. More details are available in the blog post I wrote about the project.

Sonos Hack Week projects

Several times a year, Sonos hosted hack weeks where employees could spend time working on any project they could think of, as long as it was Sonos related.

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Penguin Pull

A video game made using XNA for a video game class at UCSC, created by three of us over the course of a semester. I worked primarily on UI programming and the game loop framework, plus some of the artwork. You can read more about it in a blog post I wrote.

Building a Nuclear Throne _ebooks Bot

A little background: @horse_ebooks at some point was a spam Twitter account that followed some algorithm to tweet odd amalgamations of sentences that people decided was cute or interesting. Eventually it turned into a weird art project thing but that’s not too important - eventually people took the idea and built their own little Twitter bots that did something similar.

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Nuclear Throne: a case study in player feedback

Nuclear Throne, an early access retro-styled action game from Vlambeer, has held my attention since I bought it last week. The randomly generated levels maintain balance, the game is challenging but rarely unfair, and the game looks great, but what is most impressive is the ‘juiciness’ it provides.

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